Friday, August 31, 2012

If you're someone who is reaching to achieve something in your life but are a little disheartened that you aren't as good as someone else, this article is for you. It was referred to me by an amazing photographer that I've recently started following in Twitter (which, if you are not already a follower, please find me under KRush Photography).

It's easy to see something that someone else does and say to yourself, "I wish I could do that" or even possibly "I will never be that good." If this sounds like you, I have a few words for you: If you wish you could do something, what are you doing to make it possible? Stop wishing and get busy DOING! These people you admire are where they are because they worked hard - practicing, failing, and learning. And don't waste your energy wishing, or hating, or whatever it is that you're doing. So many times in this industry I see photographers that are AFRAID (yes, I said AFRAID) to praise, or help, or support another photographer, and I feel sorry for them.

Remember that "you have to give more to get more." -Sue Bryce

Happy reading!

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